Saturday, August 20, 2011

Baby Boy Shower

It's been a crazy busy, but WONDERFUL summer! My sister & I hosted a baby shower for one of her coworkers last Sunday. It was great. :) She's having a baby boy so baby blue and brown were the theme. Check out the cake:
The cake is dark chocolate & white so when you cut in the theme is carried out with every bite. :) p.s. I LOVE dark chocolate.

Check out these fun puffs my Sister and I made. They are so fun and affordable. They costs 50 cents a piece to make and added so much.

Along the deck railing, we had citronella candles in BABY FOOD jars! :) We added some Easter grass for color. They kept the buggies away, but added a fun baby flair.

Here's our food table. Cake, homemade mints, veggie tray, & almond bark oreos with sparkles. Yum yum!